Why Women should Lift Weights!
Any girl who lifts will tell you that the single most annoying thing is when people say "Ohhhh you will get bulky" or "I don't want to get muscles I just want to tone up" (where do you think toning and definition comes from?)
Here are the top reasons why women should lift weights!
You wont get Bulky
Women have approximately 10% of the testosterone levels that men do, this means that it is automatically more difficult for us to build muscle.I promise you, you will not get bulky - it takes an incredible amount of effort for a woman to gain a substaintial amount of muscle
Higher Metabolism
When you work out with heavier weights you get a higher metabolic rate. resistance with heavy weights creates tiny muscular tears (that grow back to be stronger) throughout your body. For your body to repair those muscular tears it will expand a higher number of caloriesAs you gain more lean muscle your resting metabolism increases. It is estimated that for every 1lb of muscle that you have you will burn 35-50 calories more a day.
For example take 2 women, both weigh 130lbs however women A has 10lbs more muscle than women B. This means that Woman A will burn approx. 350-500 more calories a day!
Increased Strength
As you increase the weights that you use your body strength increases which makes everyday tasks easier. On a personal note its a great feeling - you can feel that strength and it is a massive confidence boost!Weight training can increase a woman's strength by 30-50%
Less Chance of Injury
Muscularity means that you are less likely to injure yourself in other sports or fitness activities e.g. tag rugby etc..In layman's terms - your athletic ability will improve.
Greater Muscle Definition
This one is a bit obvious! When you work your muscles you appear more toned. You need to lift heavier weights to work your muscles - girls lifting very light weights you are barely challenging your muscles! As a result your muscles wont grow (again back to point one no you will NOT get bulky!)
Counteract Muscle Decline
As you get older (post 25 :( ) your muscle mass decreases, however most people increase weight with age meaning this weight is fat.Decreased risk of Osteoporosis
Research indicates that weight training can increase bone density by 13% in 6 months. (Keep up the calcium intake too!)Additional reading