Sunday, 15 March 2015

How much sugar is in that?!!

We are becoming increasingly aware that sugar is a toxin and should be limited in our dietary intake however when looking at our food labels it can be really confusing to know how much sugar is really too much, our labels show us the grams of sugar per 100g but its hard to know what is an 'ok' amount?

I came across a great image that shows how much sugar is in some items that we would eat everyday versus sweat treats like chocolate bars and fizzy drinks. 

As you can see even healthy foods like a banana or even a carrot have some sugar - the key thing to note here is that the sugar from these foods are from natural sources and do not cause the same damage foods with added sugar, flavorings and sweeteners do! 

Danger: As this worrying graphic reveals, millions of us are unwittingly eating everyday foods packed with sugar - and getting fatter in the process
