Thursday, 4 June 2015

Cortisol - what it is and how to deal with it!

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol is a stress hormone that our bodies release when it feels threatened. It dates back to our cave-woman days when our flight-or-flight defence would kick in. The problem is in our lifestyles we are faced with many threatening situations caused by traffic,long working hours, stressful office/work situations etc. and our bodies continue to pump the hormone through our bodies. Here's where the problem starts.

When our levels of cortisol become excessive we increase our risk of:
  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Reduced glucose utilization
  • Impaired immunity
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Osteoporosis
If you are trying to reach your peak fitness or have a particular goal like a visible six pack then this combination not at all desirable.

Here is a great diagram that shows the effect stress has on weight gain.

When our bodies are under long periods of high stress and are pumping out lots of cortisol the system can break down leading to the opposite - low cortisol levels. This is also problematic as its linked to chronic tiredness and even severe muscle fatigue.

So before you get to a cortisol burn-out is is key that you manage your stress and in turn you cortisol levels. Here are the best ways to do this:

Stress Management
  • Its mostly common sense here - if you are stressed your body will over produce cortisol so the best way to combat it is to manage stress. It is key that you find a way to incorporate things that make you happy into your daily life. Whether this is going for a walk, having a quick swim (this one is a lot easier living in UAE!), chatting to your loved ones, practicing yoga for a few minutes each morning etc.
Exercise and Nutrition
  • If you are reading this then you are most likely good at the exercise & nutrition part! Well done!
  • Exercise both aerobic & anaerobic release endorphins (feel good 'happy' hormones) which will naturally help a cortisol imbalance
  • Eating carbohydrates (think clean starchy carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice) with protein post workout will help you replenish lost nitrates and glucose - this will help your body respond to a cortisol imbalance a lot quicker
  • Research has shown that Vitamin C has a very powerful effect on our immune systems and can help clear cortisol after serious mental stress (and post workout). Good sources are citrus fruits - oranges and kiwis and leafy green veggies! Supplements may also be needed to increase intake levels. 

Adequate sleep
  • Getting a full 8 hours kip really is vital to your bodies ability to function at full capacity. When we do not get sufficient sleep our body stays in a maintained state of alertness which requires higher levels of cortisol.

Additional Reading & Sources
Image Credit:

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